
A healthy side effect of diabetes drug

(Medical Xpress)—New research has shown the promising potential of a glucose-regulating drug to improve the condition of arteries for diabetes sufferers, possibly protecting them against heart attack or stroke.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

World must ready for global microcephaly 'epidemic': study

The world should prepare for a "global epidemic" of microcephaly, a condition which restricts head growth in foetuses, as the Zika virus takes root in new countries, researchers said Friday.


Developing new drugs to treat diabetes

The Canadian Diabetes Association reports that nine million Canadians live with diabetes or prediabetes and that 20 new cases are diagnosed every hour.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Experts: 366 million people now have diabetes

An estimated 366 million people worldwide now suffer from diabetes and the global epidemic is getting worse, health officials said Tuesday.

Medical research

Universal influenza vaccine potentially in sight

The fall ritual of getting an annual influenza shot could join castor oil on the list of bygone remedies within a decade, some scientists say.  And as that tradition fades away, so too will our fears of the virus mutating ...

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