Medical research

Scientists identify why some kidney transplants don't work

Scientists have discovered a 'molecular signature' for the allostatic load – or 'wear and tear' of kidneys – which could help clinicians understand why some kidney transplants don't work as well as expected.

Medical research

Mobile bedside bioprinter can heal wounds

Imagine a day when a bioprinter filled with a patient's own cells can be wheeled right to the bedside to treat large wounds or burns by printing skin, layer by layer, to begin the healing process. That day is not far off.

Medical research

New 'bioengineered skin' gets closer to the real thing

(HealthDay)—People who need skin grafts because of burns or other injuries might someday get lab-grown, bioengineered skin that works much like real human skin, Swiss researchers report.


Study uncovers mechanism behind primary graft dysfunction

Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered the pathways through which autoantibodies—immune proteins that mistakenly attack a person's own body—leak out of blood vessels and cause primary graft dysfunction in some ...


Researchers explore augmented ACL reconstruction procedure

An innovative procedure that explores the use of amnion, bone marrow concentrate and suture tape in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction may result in earlier return to play protocols for athletes, suggests a new ...

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