
Incisionless surgery corrects swallowing disorder

(Medical Xpress)—By passing surgical instruments through a patient's mouth, a team of doctors at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has corrected a problem that prevented a woman from easily swallowing ...

Medical research

Do salamanders hold the solution to regeneration?

Salamanders' immune systems are key to their remarkable ability to regrow limbs, and could also underpin their ability to regenerate spinal cords, brain tissue and even parts of their hearts, scientists have found.

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers excel in predicting cancer drug sensitivity

Researchers from Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT and Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland FIMM have developed a triumphant solution for predicting responses of breast cancer cells to a set of cancer ...


Losing protein helps heart recover, scientists say

When a person has a heart attack, portions of the heart muscle die in the next several days or even weeks if deprived of oxygen for long enough. The recovering heart slowly remodels itself, even fostering the growth of new ...

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