
Making sure your movie snack isn't a box office bust

Snacking at the movie theater is a ritual as old as cinema itself. And with the growing number of options, some may need help navigating the nutritional values of each offering. An expert at Baylor College of Medicine has ...


Experts address top food myths

Don't eat after 8 p.m. Wait—don't eat before noon? Have a glass of red wine; it's good for your heart! Actually, no amount of alcohol is good for your health. Nix the carbs. Nix the red meat. Nix the eggs.

Oncology & Cancer

Dine your way to lower cancer risk

Having the information to make good food choices and being physically active can help prevent disease, including cancer.


New rules would limit sugar in school meals for first time

U.S. agriculture officials on Friday proposed new nutrition standards for school meals, including the first limits on added sugars, with a focus on sweetened foods such as cereals, yogurt, flavored milk and breakfast pastries.


What is the heart-healthy DASH diet?

A common eating plan with a catchy acronym—the DASH diet—is designed to help you lower your blood pressure, but exactly what can you eat while on it?

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