
Q&A: Beat the 'back-to-school blues' with healthy lunches

My kids are heading back to school, but we'll be packing lunches for them this year. I want to make sure I'm sending things that are healthy but also that they like and will eat. Do you have any specific recommendations?


Q&A: Dietary cholesterol and how it fits in with a healthy diet

For more than half a century, scientists have debated the role of dietary cholesterol in a healthy diet. Because it was often associated with saturated fat, limiting dietary cholesterol—especially by restricting egg consumption—seemed ...

Oncology & Cancer

Is there a connection between ultraprocessed food and cancer?

There is a growing body of evidence that shows ultraprocessed foods are not only unhealthy but increase the risk of cancers. The term ultraprocessed food was created as a way to categorize food, known as the NOVA classification. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Plant-based diet is encouraged for patients with cancer

For patients diagnosed with cancer, is there one diet that is better than another? Dr. Dawn Mussallem, an integrative health specialist at Mayo Clinic, says it's not about one food or diet, but rather a dietary pattern that ...


Maximize memory function with a nutrient-rich diet

Research suggests that the ability to maximize memory function may be related to what you eat. Following an eating plan that provides a healthier selection of dietary fats and a variety of plant foods rich in phytonutrients ...

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