
Improve diet quality to boost weight loss

(HealthDay)—Eating fewer calories is essential when you want to lose weight, but there's growing evidence that the quality of those calories matters, too. Eating high-quality foods not only boosts weight loss, but also ...


The starch risk to teeth

An examination of research on oral health, commissioned by the World Health Organisation, has indicated that for oral health we should stick to whole grain carbohydrates and avoid processed ones, especially if sweet.


Tasty, healthy alternatives to sandwich bread

(HealthDay)—Sandwiches make convenient lunches, but those two slices of bread can really eat into your day's calorie allotment. What's more, typical white bread doesn't provide much in the way of nutrients.


Small changes in diet can have a big impact on health

How's that New Year's resolution coming along? Getting ready for summer and want to look your best? Just want to feel better physically? Whatever your motivation, Mercedes Sotos-Prieto, an assistant professor of nutrition ...


Several reasons why whole grains are healthy

When overweight adults exchange refined grain products – such as white bread and pasta – with whole grain varieties, they eat less, they lose weight and the amount of inflammation in their bodies decreases. These are ...


Where do grains fit in your diet?

(HealthDay)—To cut calories, you may be tempted to cut out carbs in the form of grains. But that could be a mistake—for a variety of reasons.


Why whole grains are the healthier choice

Want to be a healthier eater? Focus on whole grains. These unrefined grains are linked to a lower risk for heart disease, certain cancers and other health problems.

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