Psychology & Psychiatry

Why gratitude matters—even during a pandemic

Every year, Thanksgiving Day ushers in a time of gratitude and joy. It prompts us to slow down, feast on turkey (and all things pumpkin spice), take stock of our blessings and give thanks with a full heart.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are you as grateful as you deserve to be?

As a physician, I have helped to care for many patients and families whose lives have been turned upside down by serious illnesses and injuries. In the throes of such catastrophes, it can be difficult to find cause for anything ...


Be nice to your doctor—you may receive better care

The good news: A new Tel Aviv University study published in Pediatrics on March 7 finds that positive interactions with patients drive improved medical team performance under most conditions. The bad news: Positive interactions ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When you're grateful, your brain becomes more charitable

'Tis the season when the conversation shifts to what you're thankful for. Gathered with family and friends around a holiday feast, for instance, people may recount some of the biggies – like their health or their children ...

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