
Virtual reality helps explore the GPS of the mind

Zoltan Nadasdy, a neuroscientist at The University of Texas at Austin, wanted to understand how grid cells in the brain help orient us in the world. He had been studying spatial memory in the animal brain for years when ...


Impaired path integration in mice with disrupted grid cell firing

One of the most complex accomplishments of our brain is spatial orientation. To accomplish this, the brain uses various cell types including place cells and grid cells. Place cells tell the brain the current position. Scientists ...


Brain takes seconds to switch modes during tasks

The brain rapidly switches between operational modes in response to tasks and what is replayed can predict how well a task will be completed, according to a new UCL study in rats.


Highly precise wiring in the cerebral cortex

Our brains house extremely complex neuronal circuits whose detailed structures are still largely unknown. This is especially true for the cerebral cortex of mammals, where, among other things, vision, thoughts or spatial ...


Brain's navigation more complex than previously thought

Neuroscientists' discovery of grid cells, popularly known as the brain's GPS, was hailed as a major discovery. But new Stanford research suggest the system is more complicated than anyone had guessed.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

In Alzheimer's, excess tau protein damages brain's GPS

Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) researchers have discovered that the spatial disorientation that leads to wandering in many Alzheimer's disease patients is caused by the accumulation of tau protein in navigational ...


Brain's internal compass also navigates during imagination

When you try to find your way in a new place, your brain creates a spatial map that represents that environment. Neuroscientists from Radboud University's Donders Institute now show that the brain's 'navigation system' is ...

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