Psychology & Psychiatry

Does society have a sex addiction problem?

The term "sex addiction" is casually used to describe behavior that seems to have become more common, or at least is more commonly reported in the media.

Overweight & Obesity

Smartphone health care app helps users lose weight

Behavior therapy is a well-known and effective treatment for obesity. But now, researchers from Japan have found that behavior therapy can be successfully implemented using a smartphone health care app.

Psychology & Psychiatry

SSRIs and CBT lead to changes in brain

Neurochemical changes in the brain differ among patients with social anxiety treated using both SSRIs and CBT, compared to those treated using only CBT. While the combined treatment involving the medicine blocked the serotonin ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The science of a wandering mind

When psychologist Jonathan Smallwood set out to study mind-wandering about 25 years ago, few of his peers thought that was a very good idea. How could one hope to investigate these spontaneous and unpredictable thoughts that ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Random acts of kindness make a bigger splash than expected

Even though they often enhance happiness, acts of kindness such as giving a friend a ride or bringing food for a sick family member can be somewhat rare because people underestimate how good these actions make recipients ...

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