Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness meditation eases chronic low back pain

Meditation long has been practiced as a way to calm the mind, and possibly achieve enlightenment. Now, new research conducted by Group Health Research Institute shows that quieting the mind may be a non-drug alternative to ...


Drug reduces frequency of breathing pauses in sleep apnea

A new University of Gothenburg study has paved the way for the first drug treatment for sleep apnea. Compared to before receiving the treatment, breathing pauses decreased with on average more than 20 per hour for patients ...


Researchers discover treatment that suppresses liver cancer

Researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine have discovered a treatment combination that significantly reduces tumor growth and extends the life span of mice with liver cancer. This discovery provides a ...

Overweight & Obesity

Weight loss and lifestyle program cuts severity of sleep apnea

An interdisciplinary weight loss and lifestyle intervention is associated with clinically meaningful and sustainable improvements in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) severity and health-related quality of life, according to ...

Overweight & Obesity

Habit change is key to success for weight loss

Can experts in behaviour change help boost weight loss for overweight people? McGill University researchers think so: they report significant results—up to 10% of body-mass loss with this approach.

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