
WHO advises against use of two drugs for non-severe COVID-19

The antidepressant drug fluvoxamine and the gout drug colchicine are not recommended for patients with mild or moderate COVID-19 because there is currently insufficient evidence that they improve important outcomes for patients, ...


Can you outrun a poor diet?

New research has found that high levels of physical activity do not counteract the detrimental effects of a poor diet on mortality risk.

Medical economics

New paper examines transfusion utilization and appropriateness

In a new paper, researchers from University Hospitals (UH) detail how they used data via a dashboard to decrease the use of packed red-blood cell (pRBC) transfusions and platelets with an increase in appropriate transfusions.


Managing insomnia with an app

An app designed to treat insomnia without the use of medication, only available in Australia via a Flinders University clinical trial, has received an official recommendation from the U.K.'s National Institute for Health ...

Oncology & Cancer

New lung-cancer screening guidelines reduce disparity

In 2013, the US Preventive Task Force (USPSTF) published guidelines that recommended individuals at high risk for developing lung cancer who met the eligibility criteria, undergo annual lung screening by low-dose CT scan. ...

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