Medical research

Can gut microbes impact chemotherapy? So far, the answer is 'yes'

Bacteria in our guts play a significant role in how we digest what we eat, and what we eat includes oral medications we take. But the gut microbiome's impact on drugs may be different from its impact on food because drugs ...


How gut bacteria influence the effects of cocaine in mice

Common gut bacteria can enhance the effects of cocaine in mice, researchers report November 1 in the journal Cell Host & Microbe. Their study demonstrates how cocaine use supports the growth of the bacteria, which in turn ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Can gut bacteria cause rheumatoid arthritis?

Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine have discovered that a unique bacteria found in the gut could be responsible for triggering rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in people already at risk for the autoimmune ...

Medical research

New research details the microbial origins of Type 1 diabetes

Almost a decade ago, UO graduate student Jennifer Hampton Hill made a fortuitous find: A protein made by gut bacteria that triggered insulin-producing cells to replicate. The protein was an important clue to the biological ...

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