Medical research

A new tool for modeling the human gut microbiome

Several thousand strains of bacteria live in the human gut. Some of these are associated with disease, while others have beneficial effects on human health. Figuring out the precise role of each of these bacteria can be difficult, ...


Green tea extract promotes gut health, lowers blood sugar

New research in people with a cluster of heart disease risk factors has shown that consuming green tea extract for four weeks can reduce blood sugar levels and improve gut health by lowering inflammation and decreasing "leaky ...


How the gut communicates with the brain

How the 'second brain' – the enteric nervous system in our gut—communicates with our first brain has been one of the most challenging questions faced by enteric neuroscientists, until now.

Oncology & Cancer

Gut bacteria enhance cancer immunotherapy in mouse study

Roughly one in five cancer patients benefit from immunotherapy—a treatment that harnesses the immune system to fight cancer. Such an approach to beating cancer has seen significant success in lung cancer and melanoma, among ...


Gut immune cells may help send multiple sclerosis into remission

An international research team led by UCSF scientists has shown, for the first time, that gut immune cells travel to the brain during multiple sclerosis (MS) flare-ups in patients. These gut cells seem to be playing a protective ...

Overweight & Obesity

Gut microbiota influences the ability to lose weight

Gut microbiota influences the ability to lose weight in humans, according to new research. The findings were published this week in mSystems, an open-access journal of the American Society for Microbiology.

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