Psychology & Psychiatry

Tuning out: How brains benefit from meditation

Experienced meditators seem to be able switch off areas of the brain associated with daydreaming as well as psychiatric disorders such as autism and schizophrenia, according to a new brain imaging study by Yale researchers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gun owners aren't happier, don't sleep better at night

Despite claims that owning a gun makes a person feel safer and sleep easier, gun owners don't actually sleep any better than non-gun owners, according to a new study by University of Arizona researcher Terrence Hill.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Does having children make us any happier?

The birth of a first and a second child briefly increases the level of their parents' happiness, but a third does not, according to new research from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Western ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Evidence supports existence of mid-life crises

(Medical Xpress)—Social economists from the University of Melbourne have confirmed the age-old suspicion of a dip in human happiness during middle age.

Psychology & Psychiatry

African-American women stress compounded

Using incense or lighting a candle may seem like good ways to let go of racial stress, but a recent study found that might not be the case in terms of racial tension among women. In fact, some coping strategies employed by ...


Study: Get moving to get happier

Physical activity has long been known to reduce depression and anxiety, and is commonly prescribed to prevent or cure negative mental health conditions.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study charts development of emotional control in teens

In the midst of all the apparent tumult, intense emotion, and occasional reckless behavior characterizing the teenage years, the brain is, in fact, evolving and developing the neural circuits needed to keep emotions in check. ...


Happiness lowers blood pressure, study says

(Medical Xpress)—A synthetic gene module controlled by the happiness hormone dopamine produces an agent that lowers blood pressure. This opens up new avenues for therapies that are remote-controlled via the subsconscious.

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