
#MeToo and the medical profession

The medical profession is not immune to bullying, harassment and discrimination, and in this #MeToo era, it is time that physicians, medical schools and institutions aim to abolish these behaviours, argue the authors of an ...


Medical residents report widespread sexual harassment

Sexual harassment in academic medicine is widespread and prevalent with female residents in surgery and internal medicine reporting the highest rates and those in pediatrics reporting the lowest, a new study finds.


Feeling sexually harassed? You're not alone

(HealthDay)—Before the #MeToo movement and the fall of numerous powerful men accused of sexual harassment, researchers surveyed thousands of women and found the problem to be widespread.


Hospitals lag in sexual harassment policies

(HealthDay)—Few institutions have clear policies that specifically address sexual harassment from patients toward physicians and staff, according to a research letter published online Nov. 17 in JAMA Network Open.

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