
Do neurosurgeons face sexual harassment in their profession?

It's 2020, and as much as we wish it weren't so, sexual harassment is still with us. One need only look at social media or a steady stream of court cases: most recently, the #MeToo movement has cast a light on sexual harassment.


Most female journalists have experienced intimidation, abuse

(HealthDay)—Almost 65 percent of women journalists report having experienced intimidation, threats, or abuse related to their work, according to a report published by the International Women's Media Foundation and the International ...


Research highlights extent and effects of school violence

Six percent of U.S. children and youth missed a day of school over the course of a year because they were the victim of violence or abuse at school. This was a major finding of a study on school safety by University of New ...


Women in medicine shout #MeToo about sexual harassment at work

Annette Katz didn't expect to be part of a major social movement. She didn't set out to take on a major health organization. But that all began to change when a co-worker saw her fighting back tears and joined Katz to report ...


Child sexual abuse via the Internet on the rise

Sexual abuse of children and adolescents can have serious health consequences for victims. Early studies have revealed that child sexual abuse is associated with an increased risk of later mental and physical health problems ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Odds of leaving military double after sexual assault, report finds

Exposure to sexual assault in the U.S. military doubled the odds that a service member would leave the military within 28 months, and sexual harassment was associated with roughly 8% of all military separations during this ...


Harassment common for female GPs

More than half of Australian female GPs have experienced sexual harassment by patients - from inappropriate exposure of body parts to unwelcome touching - according to Monash University-led research.

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