Oncology & Cancer

MicroRNAs predict recurrence risk of head and neck tumors

A recent paper published in the scientific journal Cell gives an unprecedented insight into the metabolic interactions that occur throughout the body over 24 hours. As part of a large-scale study, the authors constructed ...

Medical research

Head and neck positioning affects concussion risk

If you're about to run headfirst into something, your reflex might be to tense your neck and stabilize your noggin. But according to new research from Stanford University that may not be the best way to stave off a concussion. ...


Does pro-cycling have a concussion problem?

The Tour de France is unquestionably one of the most famous events in the professional sporting calendar. Some of the finest athletes on the planet, along with their expert, multimillion dollar support teams, display exceptional ...


Study supports blood test to help diagnose brain injury

For the first time in the U.S., a blood test will be available to help doctors determine if people who've experienced a blow to the head could have a traumatic brain injury such as brain bleeding or bruising.

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