
Fake malaria drugs a growing problem: experts

Fake or poor quality malaria drugs are boosting resistance in parts of southeast Asia, a problem that is likely to worsen unless tighter regulations are adopted, US experts said Monday.


Food or heart meds? Many Americans must make a choice

(HealthDay)—Millions of Americans with heart disease say they face financial strain because of their medical care, with some skipping meds or cutting back on basics like groceries.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Malaria: global deaths down by a fifth over a decade

Global deaths from malaria have fallen by a fifth over the past decade, reflecting an influx of funds to fight the disease with better drugs and mosquito nets, Roll Back Malaria said Monday.


Integrating medical and social care

Neither poverty and its influence on health nor financial toxicity from medical bills are new 21st century phenomenon.


Health Squeeze: UK's free health care under threat

(AP) -- When David Evans needed a hernia operation, the 69-year-old farmer became so alarmed by the long wait that he used an ultrasound machine for pregnant sheep on himself, to make sure he wasn't getting worse.

Overweight & Obesity

California and New York aim to curb diet pill sales to minors

California and New York are on the cusp of going further than the FDA in restricting the sale of non-prescription diet pills to minors as pediatricians and public health advocates try to protect kids from extreme weight-loss ...

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