
Study: Medicaid patients wait longer to see doctors

Waiting to see a doctor is frustrating, as anyone who has spent too much time flipping through old magazines or warily eyeing coughing strangers can attest. According to a new study by MIT researchers, Medicaid patients experience ...

Oncology & Cancer

Young cancer survivors often forgo medical care due to costs

Many survivors of adolescent and young adult cancers avoid routine medical care because it's too expensive, despite the fact that most have health insurance. That is the conclusion of a new study published early online in ...

Oncology & Cancer

Dangers of late cervical cancer diagnosis in women of color

In the past decade, nearly one-third of cervical cancer cases in the U.S. resulted in death according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Women of color, particularly Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black women, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Virus exposes cracks in Brazil's public health system

Brazil's public health care system, considered among the world's most advanced when it was launched, is being pushed to the brink by the coronavirus pandemic, which has exposed the impact of years of under-funding and mismanagement.


Cognitive disability most prevalent type in young adults

(HealthDay)—Cognitive disability is the most prevalent disability type among young adults, while middle-aged and older adults have the highest prevalence of mobility disability, according to a report published in the Aug. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Nurturing mothers rear physically healthier adults

Nurturing mothers have garnered accolades for rescuing skinned knees on the playground and coaxing their children to sleep with lullabies. Now they're gaining merit for their offspring's physical health in middle age.

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