
The need to reinvent primary care

Primary care is "first-contact, continuous, comprehensive, and coordinated care provided to populations undifferentiated by gender, disease, or organ system." High-quality primary care has been associated with improved population ...


Jobs that pay for pounds lost can work

With obesity costing the nation $190 billion each year in health care expenditures, employers are increasingly offering cash and other incentives to motivate workers to lose weight.


Health of nation reviewed with focus on emergency care

(HealthDay)—Recent trends in the health of the nation are described, with particular focus on emergency care, in the 36th annual report published by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and the U.S. Centers ...


Health care system of the future modelled

What will our health care system look like in the future? The MEDPRO project of the Austrian Science Fund FWF seeks to deliver answers to this pertinent question. The project is analysing the interrelationship between medical ...


Good communication helps improve outcomes for heart patients

Patients with hardened arteries who reported good communication with their healthcare providers were less likely to use the emergency room and more likely to comply with their treatment plans, according to a new study presented ...

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