
A tax on sugar is the bitter pill that is needed

In a week when the British Medical Association has called for a sugar tax of 20 per cent to be introduced to help combat the nation's obesity epidemic, Dr Gail Rees, Associate Professor in Human Nutrition at Plymouth University ...


ACP launches High Value Care Coordination Toolkit

The American College of Physicians (ACP) today unveiled a High Value Care Coordination Toolkit designed to enable more effective and patient-centered communication between primary care and subspecialist doctors.


Some stroke treatments proven to reduce health care costs

Use of mechanical thrombectomy on qualifying stroke patients could result in major savings to the healthcare economy in the United Kingdom (U.K.) and other western countries with a similar healthcare structure, according ...


Adult tonsillectomy complications and health care expenses

A study released today of 36,210 adult tonsillectomy patients finds that 20 percent will have a complication, offering valuable new insights to a decades long discussion. The study, featured in the April 2014 issue of Otolaryngology—Head ...

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