
Australia fumes over smoking kangaroos

The Australian government on Friday hit out at British American Tobacco for using images of kangaroos to sell its cigarettes in Europe, telling the company to "get your hands off our icons".


Philip Morris challenges plain packs in Australia

Global tobacco giant Philip Morris Tuesday stepped up its legal campaign against an Australian law banning logos and branding from cigarette packs, saying it had taken its case to the High Court.


FDA adds new heart warning to Sanofi's Multaq

Federal health officials have added new safety warnings to the heart rhythm drug Multaq after company studies linked the pill to higher rates of heart attack, stroke and death in a subset of patients.


BAT challenges Australia cigarette packaging law

British American Tobacco on Thursday launched a High Court challenge against a law that will require plain packaging on cigarettes in Australia, claiming it infringes intellectual property rights.


Plain-packet cigarettes delayed in Australia

Australia's world-first plan for plain packaging on cigarettes has been delayed, giving tobacco firms extra time to prepare, the government said Wednesday, with the first sales now due in December 2012.

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