
Moderate hypoglycemia impacts language processing

(HealthDay)—Moderate hypoglycemia is associated with deterioration in language processing in adults with and without type 1 diabetes, according to a study published online March 10 in Diabetes Care.

Overweight & Obesity

For most 'healthy' obese, health declines over time

The idea of "healthy" obesity is a misleading concept in that most obese individuals become progressively less healthy over time, according to a study that tracked the health of more than 2,500 men and women for 20 years. ...

Overweight & Obesity

One-third of US adults are obese, CDC says

(HealthDay)—The adult obesity rate in the United States remains as high as ever, with one in three Americans carrying unhealthy amounts of weight, according to a new federal report.


Controversy surrounding 'fat letters' discussed

(HealthDay)—Despite the potential stigma surrounding "fat letters," school body mass index (BMI) measurement programs may be beneficial, according to a perspective piece published online Aug. 19 in Pediatrics.

Overweight & Obesity

China young adults getting fatter, report says

China's young adults are gaining more weight and exercising less than their elders, local media said on Tuesday, underscoring the fast-developing country's growing struggle with modern health problems.


TV watching linked to eating unhealthy food

Adults and children who watch more television have less healthy diets, finds a new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. For every age and gender studied, people who watched no more than an hour of TV a day ...

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