
Researchers makes 'natural born killer' cell discovery

An unexpected role for a white blood cell called the Natural Killer (NK) cell - a critical cell for ridding the body of infection and cancer, has been discovered by researchers at New Zealand's University of Otago.

Medical research

New method improves transplant safety in mice

Blood stem cell transplants—also known as bone-marrow transplants—can cure many blood, immune, autoimmune, and metabolic disorders, from leukemia to sickle-cell disease. But to make sure the healthy blood cells "take," ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists find evidence of how incurable cancer develops

Researchers in the West Midlands have made a breakthrough in explaining how an incurable type of blood cancer develops from an often symptomless prior blood disorder. The findings could lead to more effective treatments and ...


New promising targeted drug for a rare leukemia

Targeted drugs have been developed to supplement chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. These drugs only affect cancer cells, leaving healthy cells alone. Venetoclax is a new targeted therapy option for the treatment of ...


Researchers ID gene critical to human immune response

Cedars-Sinai investigators have identified a gene that plays an essential role in the innate human immune system. The gene, NLRP11, helps activate the inflammatory response that tells the body's white blood cells to go on ...


Making immunotherapy safe for AML

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the second most common leukemia in children, is hard to treat and has a five-year survival rate of just 65 to 70%, according to the American Cancer Society. While immunotherapies like monoclonal ...

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