
Q&A: Components of a healthy diet and clean eating

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I gained a bit of weight during quarantine. And as spring approaches, I want to focus on losing the excess pounds. I enjoy exercise, but I struggle with snacking and eating more processed foods than I should. ...


Consumer health: Nuts and your heart

March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn more about the heart health benefits of eating nuts.


The fitter you are the better you burn fat

Females who are fit and healthy tend to burn more fat when they exercise than men, according to new research from a team of sports nutritionists.


High-fat diet in childhood may affect sperm later in life

New research in mice suggests that a high-fat diet early in life may impair male fertility in adulthood. The first-of-its-kind study is published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism.


7 tips for eating healthy at home

For some people, being told to stay home all day can disrupt meal routines and add to the challenge of heart-healthy eating. But that challenge can be an opportunity.

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