
New heart scan may speed up diagnosis with less radiation

New technology appears to provide faster, more accurate heart scans for both viewing blood vessels in the heart and measuring blood supply to the heart muscle, while exposing patients to less radiation, researchers report ...


The Medical Minute: Don't overdo it, you weekend warrior

There are many benefits to exercise. Exercise not only helps prevent a variety of medical disorders -- including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis -- but it is increasingly recommended for ...


Poll: Obesity hits more boomers than others in US

(AP) -- Baby boomers say their biggest health fear is cancer. Given their waistlines, heart disease and diabetes should be atop that list, too. Boomers are more obese than other generations, a new poll finds, setting them ...

Medical research

Molecular imaging detects ischemic heart disease in diabetics

Research introduced at SNM's 58th Annual Meeting may lead to much-needed cardiovascular disease screening for diabetic patients at risk of ischemic heart disease, a disorder marked by significantly reduced blood flow in the ...

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