Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychologists map the psyche of extreme altruists

Although many people admire the actions of people who engage in acts of extraordinary altruism, like altruistic organ donors, bone marrow donors, and heroes who rescue people from fires or accidents, they are also often mystified ...


New drug candidate slows the progression of adrenoleukodystrophy

The work of Professor Fanny Mochel (AP-HP, Sorbonne University) at Paris Brain Institute, in collaboration with clinical research teams in eight countries and Spanish biotech Minoryx Therapeutics, has demonstrated the protective ...

Medical research

RXR, the cell protein that keeps blood stem cells young and fit

The cell protein retinoid X receptor (RXR) is a key factor in the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells, the immature stem cells that give rise to all the blood cell lineages. RXR ensures that these cells remain youthful ...

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