Obstetrics & gynaecology

Herbals in pregnancy may endanger mom, baby

(HealthDay)—During pregnancy, even harmless-sounding "natural" supplements should be avoided, a new research review suggests.


Deaths due to tainted herbal medicine under-recorded

A University of Adelaide forensic pathologist is warning that potentially harmful substances found in herbal medicines may be playing a bigger role in deaths of 'health tourists' than previously thought.


Stricter reporting for Chinese medicine clinical trials

The CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) Statement is an evidence-based set of recommendations for reporting the results of randomized controlled trials testing clinical interventions. First developed by the ...


89 percent of hispanic women use herbal remedies

A new study comparing use of herbal remedies among Hispanic women and non-Hispanic white women showed higher than expected use of herbal treatments by both groups, 89% and 81%, respectively. Notably, less than 1 in 6 Hispanic ...

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