Obstetrics & gynaecology

Lifestyle and herbal medicine effective in treatment of PCOS

Scientists at NICM, Western Sydney University have found significant improvements in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) symptoms in overweight women by combining lifestyle interventions such as diet and exercise ...


Complementary and alternative medicine to remedy health problems

An extensive study has charted the use of complementary and alternative medicine in Europe. It found that complementary and alternative medicine is being used in connection with various health problems, particularly in situations ...


Why Mexican immigrants are healthier than their US-born peers

Supporters of Donald Trump's wall might have us believe that Mexicans who enter the US illegally carry disease and take advantage of America's healthcare system. But several large public health surveys suggest that most Mexican ...


'Diabetes cure' herbal medicine kills four in India

A self-styled doctor and three of his patients died in a south Indian village after drinking a poisonous herbal medicine which he claimed cured diabetes and hypertension, officials said Tuesday.

Oncology & Cancer

Safety concerns linked to herbal medicine use in cancer

(HealthDay)—For patients with cancer, use of herbal medicine has associated safety-related concerns, including direct toxic effects and increased chemosensitivity of cancer cells, according to a study published online Nov. ...

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