Arthritis & Rheumatism

Joint replacement surgery, arthritis are not inevitable

Don't worry about your hips or knees as you age. Arthritis in those joints isn't inevitable. Keep doing the activities you enjoy. Those hopeful words come from Rafael Sierra, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon at Mayo Clinic specializing ...


Researchers unlock predictive biomarkers for common hip disorder

Researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine have developed panels of protein biomarkers present in teens and young adults that distinguish individuals with healthy hips from those with developmental dysplasia ...


AI could change the way clinicians look at hip preservation

Orthopedic surgeons and biomedical engineers are trained to approach adolescent and young adult hip pain from two different perspectives. Surgeons typically look at conditions such as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and ...


Describing the genes associated with the sixth sense

To perform coordinated movements, we rely on special sensory neurons in our muscles and joints. Without them, the brain wouldn't know what the rest of our body was doing. A team led by Niccolò Zampieri has studied their ...


Ultrasound technique predicts hip dysplasia in infants

A technique that uses ultrasound images to determine the depth and shape of the hip socket can accurately predict which infants with hip dysplasia will develop normal hip structure and which remain dysplastic, according to ...

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