
Higher thyroid hormone levels linked to sudden cardiac death

Risk of death from a sudden loss of heart function was significantly greater in patients with thyroid hormone levels at the higher end of normal range, compared to patients with levels at the lower end, according to new research ...


Cellular jetlag seems to favor the development of diabetes

Like almost all light-sensitive living beings, human beings follow biological rhythms set on a period of about 24 hours. The circadian clock (from Latin "circa" and "dies", which means "about a day") therefore describes the ...

Medical research

NICE guidelines presented for management of thyroid disease

In a summary of a recent guideline from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), published online Jan. 29 in The BMJ, recommendations are presented for the assessment and management of thyroid disease.


7 household items that may fight age spots

(HealthDay)—Age spots are small brown patches that can develop on your hands and face as you grow older. They can be caused by sun damage or changes in hormone levels.


What role does the gut play in type 2 diabetes?

In the destructive cycle that leads to and perpetuates type 2 diabetes, driven by overeating, excessive blood glucose, defective pancreatic beta cell function, and imbalances in insulin-regulating hormone levels, the gut ...


Preventing chronic pain with stress management

For chronic pain sufferers, such as people who develop back pain after a car accident, avoiding the harmful effects of stress may be key to managing their condition. This is particularly important for people with a smaller-than-average ...

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