Gerontology & Geriatrics

Q&A: Male menopause – myth or reality?

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My wife is 52 and just beginning menopause. We were talking about the changes she's been experiencing, and I was wondering if there is such a thing as male menopause. I am 58.

Inflammatory disorders

Sensor tracks cortisol levels in real time

Skoltech researchers have developed a prototype of a fluorescence-based sensor for continuous detection of cortisol concentrations in real time, which can help monitor various health conditions. The paper was published in ...

Oncology & Cancer

Young women still may be getting unnecessary pelvic exams

Pelvic examinations and cervical cancer screenings are no longer recommended for most females under age 21 during routine health visits, but a new study has found that millions of young women are unnecessarily undergoing ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Q&A: Mild hypothyroidism may not need treatment

Dear Mayo Clinic: I recently was diagnosed with mild hypothyroidism that isn't causing symptoms. My doctor says I don't need treatment now, but she wants me to come back for regular checkups. Does hypothyroidism usually get ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Flaw in many home pregnancy tests can return false negative results

Each year, women in the U.S. rely on some 20 million home pregnancy tests to learn potentially life-altering news. Despite marketing claims that such tests are 99 percent accurate, research at Washington University School ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Beware of evening stress

Stressful events in the evening release less of the body's stress hormones than those that happen in the morning, suggesting possible vulnerability to stress in the evening.

Oncology & Cancer

Many breast cancer patients can skip chemo, big study finds

Most women with the most common form of early-stage breast cancer can safely skip chemotherapy without hurting their chances of beating the disease, doctors are reporting from a landmark study that used genetic testing to ...

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