
Streamlining stem cells to treat macular degeneration

As we age, so do our eyes; most commonly, this involves changes to our vision and new glasses, but there are more severe forms of age-related eye problems. One of these is age-related macular degeneration, which affects the ...

Medical research

Cellular secrets of ageing unlocked by researchers

New research has uncovered how genetic changes that accumulate slowly in blood stem cells throughout life are likely to be responsible for the dramatic change in blood production after the age of 70.


Next-gen vaccines set to maintain immunity as the years advance

Vaccine potency drops in the elderly and little is known about why this happens. Now, European scientists are on a mission to understand waning immunity and to develop strategies that make vaccines work effectively in all ...

Medical research

New measure of sperm age may be predictor of pregnancy success

A novel technique to measure the age of male sperm has the potential to predict the success and time it takes to become pregnant, according to a newly published study by researchers at the Wayne State University School of ...


Rotating night shifts may hamper healthy aging

Rotating night shift work is associated with a decreased probability of healthy aging among U.S. female nurses, according to a study published online May 4 in JAMA Network Open.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Single HPV shot enough for young women: WHO experts

A single vaccine shot against Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer, delivers comparable protection for girls and women under 21 as two doses, the WHO's immunisation experts said.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Foreign languages slow down brain aging

Medical advances are causing a gradual increase in average life expectancy. However, this comes at a price, as the number of cases of dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases grows with age. Researchers from HSE University ...

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