Medical research

Low iron levels slow down female athletes

(Medical Xpress) -- Female athletes with low levels of iron in their bodies, yet who are not anemic, may be at a disadvantage even before their competitive season starts, according to a new Cornell study. These athletes could ...


Zapping your brain is dope

Emerging technology has created a new doping technique for athletic performance that is, as of now, perfectly legal.


You snooze, you lose—with some sleep trackers

Wearable sleep tracking devices—from Fitbit to Apple Watch to never-heard-of brands stashed away in the electronics clearance bin—have infiltrated the market at a rapid pace in recent years.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Ice baths: Are we doing it wrong?

Whilst ice baths are popular with many athletes to aid recovery, new research published in the scientific journal Sports Sciences for Health suggests that many people might not see the expected benefits because they're not ...

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