Oncology & Cancer

The X chromosome is silenced in some male cancers

Cancer cells acquire genetic anomalies that allow them to grow and proliferate unchecked. Researchers have now found another difference between cancer cells and normal cells: the X chromosome, typically only inactivated in ...

Medical research

What lobsters can teach us about immortality

No one likes the thought of getting old, but it seems to be an inevitable part of life. Most species grow, develop and repair damage to their bodies until a certain point in adulthood. After this, the body becomes less capable ...

Oncology & Cancer

Hallmark cancer gene regulates RNA 'dark matter'

A key genetic mutation that occurs early on in cancer alters RNA "dark matter" and causes the release of previously unknown RNA biomarkers for cancer early detection, a new study by UC Santa Cruz researchers published in ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers develop hybrid sensor that could help diagnose cancer

A team of researchers from HSE University, Skoltech, MPGU, and MISIS have developed a nanophotonic-microfluidic sensor whose potential applications include cancer detection, monitoring and treatment response assessment. Today, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Know your risk for hereditary cancer

Most people have at least one extended family member who has had cancer. But does that put you at a higher risk for developing cancer? Baylor College of Medicine genetic counselor Tanya Eble explains the risk factors for ...

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