Oncology & Cancer

Know your risk for hereditary cancer

Most people have at least one extended family member who has had cancer. But does that put you at a higher risk for developing cancer? Baylor College of Medicine genetic counselor Tanya Eble explains the risk factors for ...

Medical research

New detailed immune-profiling method uses only DNA from blood

Flow cytometry is a powerful and complex technology used to count, sort or measure characteristics of cells and to detect biomarkers. It's also widely used in research, as well as in clinical studies and diagnosis of disorders ...

Oncology & Cancer

Advanced prostate cancer antibody drug shows success in pet dogs

Dogs are proving to be a far better scientific model for study of prostate cancer than mice, the typical animal used in the lab for this type of research. In the first use of canines in an advanced prostate cancer study, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Solving mystery of rare cancers directly caused by HIV

For nearly a decade, scientists have known that HIV integrates itself into genes in cells that have the potential to cause cancer. And when this happens in animals with other retroviruses, those animals often develop cancer. ...

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