Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers replicate famous marshmallow test, makes new observations

A new replication study of the well-known "marshmallow test—a famous psychological experiment designed to measure children's self-control—suggests that being able to delay gratification at a young age may not be as predictive ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Treating tapeworm infection could improve academic performance

A Stanford-led study in China has revealed for the first time high levels of a potentially fatal tapeworm infection among school-age children. The researchers suggest solutions that could reduce infections in this sensitive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study: Parental conflict can do lasting damage to kids

It stands to reason that parents who physically or emotionally abuse their children do them lasting damage, among other things by undermining their ability to trust others and accurately read their emotions.


When a common cold may trigger early supportive care

Human rhinovirus (HRV), the culprit behind most colds, is the leading cause of hospitalization for premature babies. However, in very preterm children, exactly how HRV causes severe respiratory disease—and which patients ...

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