
Why bilinguals may have a memory advantage—new research

Think about being in a conversation with your best friend or partner. How often do you finish each other's words and sentences? How do you know what they are going to say before they have said it? We like to think it is romantic ...


Scientists say eye-disease drug may also help fight COVID

An interdisciplinary research team led by UCLA found that a drug already approved by the Food and Drug Administration for eye disease, verteporfin, stopped the replication of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Their ...


Neuroscientists find more naturalistic ways to study vision

For years, neuroscience experiments have depended on carefully controlled conditions. Mice run in place on tiny treadmills, rather than freely scurrying. Or they're meticulously trained to do easy-to-measure tasks that don't ...

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