Medical research

Blinking eye-on-a-chip used for disease modeling and drug testing

People who spend eight or more hours a day staring at a computer screen may notice their eyes becoming tired or dry, and, if those conditions are severe enough, they may eventually develop dry eye disease (DED). DED is a ...


Knockout mice are guide to new genes for eye and skin disorders

Albinism is the best-known of a group of rare genetic disorders that can affect both eyes and skin. Some genes have been identified that are linked to these conditions, but many remain mysterious. Now a team led by UC Davis ...


Breakthrough in understanding how human eyes process 3-D motion

Scientists at the University of York have revealed that there are two separate 'pathways' for seeing 3-D motion in the human brain, which allow people to perform a wide range of tasks such as catching a ball or avoiding moving ...

Medical research

Scientists use machine learning to improve gut disease diagnosis

A study published in the open access journal JAMA Open Network June 14 by scientists at the University of Virginia schools of Engineering and Medicine and the Data Science Institute says machine learning algorithms applied ...


300 blind mice uncover genetic causes of eye disease

Hundreds of new genes linked to blindness and other vision disorders have been identified in a screen of mouse strains. Many of these genes are likely important in human vision and the results could help identify new causes ...

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