Medical research

We've all got a blind spot, but it can be shrunk

You've probably never noticed, but the human eye includes an unavoidable blind spot. That's because the optic nerve that sends visual signals to the brain must pass through the retina, which creates a hole in that light-sensitive ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

The killer fungus that lives in your mouth

On hearing the word "fungi" most people will probably think of pizza al funghi or a portobello mushroom burger. Incidentally, roughly half of the people salivating about these dishes will also carry a fungus called Candida ...


Breakthrough in understanding how human eyes process 3-D motion

Scientists at the University of York have revealed that there are two separate 'pathways' for seeing 3-D motion in the human brain, which allow people to perform a wide range of tasks such as catching a ball or avoiding moving ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Eyes a haven for Ebola and other viruses

A specific cell within our retina, the light-sensitive part of our eyes responsible for sending visual information to our brain, appears to be particularly good at housing Ebola and other viruses, new research has found.


Eye movement science is helping us learn about how we think

For most of human history if you wanted to know what was going on behind someone's eyes you had to make your best guess. But since the 1960s scientists have been studying the way eye movements may help decode people's thoughts. ...

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