Inflammatory disorders

Females fend off gut diseases

At least among mice, females have innate protection from certain digestive conditions, according to a new Michigan State University study.

Autism spectrum disorders

Scientists develop first vaccine to help control autism symptoms

A first-ever vaccine created by University of Guelph researchers for gut bacteria common in autistic children may also help control some autism symptoms. The groundbreaking study by Brittany Pequegnat and Guelph chemistry ...

Medical research

Bacteria producing nitric oxide extend life in roundworms

Nitric oxide, the versatile gas that helps increase blood flow, transmit nerve signals, and regulate immune function, appears to perform one more biological feat— prolonging the life of an organism and fortifying it against ...


Viruses in the human gut show dynamic response to diet

The digestive system is home to a myriad of viruses, but how they are involved in health and disease is poorly understood. In a study published online today in Genome Research, researchers have investigated the dynamics of ...

Inflammatory disorders

New clues to age-old illnesses emerge in the gut

Links between the human intestine and diseases such as arthritis are increasingly coming to light and signal that healthy diets can help control illnesses. Health in body and mind indeed may well be rooted in the gut.

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