Oncology & Cancer

Advancing cancer research through artificial intelligence

The sequencing of 20,000 human genes has produced an immense amount of data that must now be deciphered. Sébastien Lemieux, a bioinformatics specialist at Université de Montréal's Institute for Research in Immunology and ...


Hundreds of genes linked to intelligence in global study

More than 500 genes linked to intelligence have been identified in the largest study of its kind. Scientists compared variation in DNA in more than 240,000 people from around the world, to discover which genes are associated ...


Neurons have the right shape for deep learning

Deep learning has brought about machines that can 'see' the world more like humans can, and recognize language. And while deep learning was inspired by the human brain, the question remains: Does the brain actually learn ...


Theory: Flexibility is at the heart of human intelligence

Centuries of study have yielded many theories about how the brain gives rise to human intelligence. Some neuroscientists think intelligence springs from a single region or neural network. Others argue that metabolism or the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Your smile gives you away

Smile and the whole world smiles with you? Well, not necessarily.


Diagnoses: When are several opinions better than one?

Methods of collective intelligence can result in considerably more accurate medical diagnoses, but only under certain conditions. A study headed by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development has shed new ...

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