Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Truly smart homes could help dementia patients live independently

You might already have what's often called a "smart home," with your lights or music connected to voice-controlled technology such as Alexa or Siri. But when researchers talk about smart homes, we usually mean technologies ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What sign language teaches us about the brain

The world's leading humanoid robot, ASIMO, has recently learnt sign language. The news of this breakthrough came just as I completed Level 1 of British Sign Language (I dare say it took me longer to master signing than it ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A study predicts smooth interaction between humans and robots

According to a new study by Tampere University in Finland, making eye contact with a robot may have the same effect on people as eye contact with another person. The results predict that interaction between humans and humanoid ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Humanoid robot "Russell" engages children with autism

With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), mechanical and computer engineer Nilanjan Sarkar and psychologist Zachary Warren of Vanderbilt University have developed a learning environment for kids with autism, ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Kelly the robot helps kids tackle autism

(HealthDay)—Using a kid-friendly robot during behavioral therapy sessions may help some children with autism gain better social skills, a preliminary study suggests.

Autism spectrum disorders

Humanoid robot helps train children with autism

"Aiden, look!" piped NAO, a two-foot tall humanoid robot, as it pointed to a flat-panel display on a far wall. As the cartoon dog Scooby Doo flashed on the screen, Aiden, a young boy with an unruly thatch of straw-colored ...

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