Radiology & Imaging

Visualizing nerves with photoacoustic imaging

Invasive medical procedures, such as surgery requiring local anesthesia, often involve the risk of nerve injury. During operation, surgeons may accidentally cut, stretch, or compress nerves, especially when mistaking them ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Float therapy' for anorexia nervosa shows promise

A trailblazing study conducted by researchers at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR) in Tulsa, Okla., has made significant strides with a novel technique for treating anorexia nervosa (AN), an eating disorder ...

Radiology & Imaging

How X/Twitter trained an AI tool for pathologists

The most impressive uses of artificial intelligence rely on good data—and lots of it. Chatbots, for example, learn to converse from millions of web pages full of text. Autonomous vehicles learn to drive from sensor data ...

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