Oncology & Cancer

Gut microbiome directs the immune system to fight cancer

The advent of immune checkpoint inhibitors—which "release the brakes" of the body's immune system to launch an efficient tumor attack—are a major breakthrough in cancer immunotherapy. However, these treatments don't work ...


Fecal transplant effective against immunotherapy-induced colitis

For the first time, transplanting gut bacteria from healthy donors was used to successfully treat patients suffering from severe colitis caused by treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). The study from The University ...

Oncology & Cancer

Rare bacteria boosts immunotherapy in prostate cancer

A unique bacterial strain isolated from a patient with pelvic pain may represent a promising path to treating prostate cancer with immunotherapy, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Nature Communications.

Oncology & Cancer

Combination strategy could hold promise for ovarian cancer

Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center researchers demonstrated that mice with ovarian cancer that received drugs to reactivate dormant genes along with other drugs that activate the immune system had a greater reduction of tumor ...

Oncology & Cancer

Absent tumor-suppressors allow melanoma to thwart immunotherapy

It's what's missing in the tumor genome, not what's mutated, that thwarts treatment of metastatic melanoma with immune checkpoint blockade drugs, researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center report in ...

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