
Transmural control of plaque formation

In atherosclerosis, fatty "plaques" form in the inner layer of arteries. As an LMU team now shows, specialized lymphoid organs found on the outer arterial wall adjacent to plaques help to restrain the inflammation that boosts ...


Learning to help the adaptive immune system

Scientists from the Institute of Industrial Science at The University of Tokyo demonstrated how the adaptive immune system uses a method similar to reinforcement learning to control the immune reaction to repeat infections. ...


Endogenous proteins as anti-inflammatory agents

Today the new Christian Doppler Laboratory for Complement Research was opened at the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology at MedUni Vienna. The research institute, which is funded by the Federal Ministry ...


Dermatitis could be suppressed as it develops

Excessive immune reactions against the body's own skin cells can lead to painful and even chronic dermatitis. An international team of researchers at the MedUni Vienna, the MedUni Graz and the Salk Institute in California, ...


Inhibition by an immunostimulator

The receptor CD27 found on the cell surface of certain types of immune cells is required for the production of so-called regulatory T cells in the thymus, that limit the development of atherosclerotic plaques.

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