Diabetes drug safe for HIV patients, study finds

(Medical Xpress)—People with HIV have an elevated risk of heart attacks, diabetes and insulin problems. To compound matters, there are not many drug options to prevent those secondary problems because of concerns that they ...


Low vitamin D levels may increase risk of Type 1 diabetes

Having adequate levels of vitamin D during young adulthood may reduce the risk of adult-onset type 1 diabetes by as much as 50%, according to researchers at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). The findings, if confirmed ...


How infection can trigger autoimmune disease

Australian scientists have confirmed a 'weak link' in the immune system – identifying the exact conditions under which an infection can trigger an autoantibody response, a process not clearly understood until now.


Study: Stem cells from strangers can repair hearts

Researchers are reporting a key advance in using stem cells to repair hearts damaged by heart attacks. In a study, stem cells donated by strangers proved as safe and effective as patients' own cells for helping restore heart ...


Breathable treatment to help prevent asthma attacks

Details of a treatment that could help asthmatics fight infections that trigger 80% of asthma attacks, developed by University of Southampton spin-out company Synairgen, will be presented to European respiratory experts on ...


MRI findings shed light on multiple sclerosis

New magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research shows that changes in brain blood flow associated with vein abnormalities are not specific for multiple sclerosis (MS) and do not contribute to its severity, despite what some ...

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