
Concerns over cost of dengue vaccine lessened with new study

Research funded by the Dengue Vaccine Initiative (DVI) involving an economic analysis of producing a tetravalent dengue vaccine shows that the cost could be as low as $0.20 per dose with an annual production level of 60 million ...

Medical research

Research suggests origins of key cells in the thymus

Medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) allow the thymus to ensure that the body's T cells are able to distinguish between potentially harmful foreign antigens and those that are produced by the body itself. A Swiss-Japanese ...


Mutational tug of war over HIV's disease-inducing potential

A study from Emory AIDS researchers shows how the expected disease severity when someone is newly infected by HIV reflects a balance between the virus' invisibility to the host's immune system and its ability to reproduce.

Oncology & Cancer

Immune checkpoint inhibitor endocrine dysfunction explored

(HealthDay)—Patients receiving immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) regimens may experience endocrine dysfunction, with increased risk of thyroid dysfunction and hypophysitis for patients on combination therapy, according ...


Children in the Syrian Civil War

In any conflict children are among the worst affected groups, and in the Syrian Civil War the long term health and welfare of children will be greatly impacted due to the lack of access to immunization programs, little or ...

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