
Experimental hearing implant succeeds in registering brain waves

Researchers at KU Leuven (Belgium) have succeeded for the first time in measuring brain waves directly via a cochlear implant. These brainwaves indicate in an objective way how good or bad a person's hearing is. The research ...

Biomedical technology

Lighting up bone repair

Researchers led by TMDU fabricate a material that will aid bone healing, help medical practitioners clearly assess the full damage to bones after an injury, and clarify probable patient outcomes

Biomedical technology

Professor suggests how to calculate implant materials' permeability

An associate professor from RUDN University found out the effect of the number and size of pores on the permeability of bone implants by biological fluids. The results of the study could help choose optimal physical parameters ...

Biomedical technology

A 'sugar' coating for bone implants

Osteoporosis is a leading global health challenge. Besides its own adverse effects, it also impairs the function of bone implants—normally made of a metal called titanium (Ti). Because there is less bone than normal at ...

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