
Scientists harness the power of electricity in the brain

(Medical Xpress) -- A paralyzed patient may someday be able to "think" a foot into flexing or a leg into moving, using technology that harnesses the power of electricity in the brain, and scientists at University of Michigan ...


3 p.m. slump? Why a sugar rush may not be the answer

(Medical Xpress) -- A new study has found that protein and not sugar activates the cells responsible for keeping us awake and burning calories. The research, published in the 17 November issue of the scientific journal Neuron, ...

Medical research

Study finds new pathway critical to heart arrhythmia

University of Maryland School of Medicine researchers have uncovered a previously unknown molecular pathway that is critical to understanding cardiac arrhythmia and other heart muscle problems. Understanding the basic science ...


Protecting the brain when energy runs low

Researchers from the Universities of Leeds, Edinburgh and Dundee have shed new light on the way that the brain protects itself from harm when 'running on empty.'

Medical research

Research points to potential therapy for tumor-associated epilepsy

Glioma, one of the most deadly and common types of brain tumor, is often associated with seizures, but the origins of these seizures and effective treatments for them have been elusive. Now a team funded by the National Institutes ...


New insight into impulse control

How the brain controls impulsive behavior may be significantly different than psychologists have thought for the last 40 years.

Medical research

Noncoding RNA may promote Alzheimer's disease

Researchers pinpoint a small RNA that spurs cells to manufacture a particular splice variant of a key neuronal protein, potentially promoting Alzheimer's disease (AD) or other types of neurodegeneration. The study appears ...

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